2020 Gold Mitre Lunch Postponed

A letter from the Principal, Adrian Farrer:

Dear Old Trinity Grammarians,

You will be aware of Coronavirus’ steady march across the globe. COVID – 19 is causing a number of cancellations of important events across the community and, regretfully, has now claimed the Gold Mitre Lunch, which was to be held on Wednesday March 18. I know that it was an eagerly anticipated event again this year and I am disappointed at a personal level not to be able to experience my first one at this stage.

As a school we seek to care for each other through our actions and this means, amongst other things, being cautious at times of uncertainty.

As we look forward to our extensive event calendar and gatherings for 2020, we do so with an understanding that some arrangements will need to be altered in the best interests and safety of our guests. We will ensure that we communicate any changes in a timely way.

We understand that some of you will have already made travel arrangements. I sincerely apologise for any inconvenience the decision to postpone this event may cause. If you have already travelled to Melbourne from overseas or interstate and still wish to visit, please contact Sharon Kendall, our Alumni Relations Coordinator, to let us know. I would be delighted to meet with you if our diaries can align!

Obviously, we will organise a refund for all those who were coming.

Thank you in anticipation for your understanding of these important measures we are now putting in place due to this extraordinary situation.

Yours sincerely

Adrian Farrer
